Home to 38 users
Who published 1.05K posts

Server rules

Below is a summary of rules you need to follow if you want to have an account on this server of Mastodon:

  1. Bad Faith Participation and Civility
  2. Privacy
  3. Disruptive Behavior
  4. NSFW Content
  5. Emotional / Self Harm Subjects
  6. Fediverse Etiquette

Important notes about the Fediverse

Unlike a self-contained Discord server, this Mastodon instance is a part of the broader Fediverse, which has its own culture and expectations. Notably, content posted by users from other servers might not follow the rules of this server. If you are under 18 or sensitive to certain types of content, you may wish to avoid the "Federated" section of the timeline. If you find an account or instance that is dedicated to content incompatible with our rules, report them; if appropriate, the Darkners will block them across all of fluffcord.social.

Additionally, due to how the software works, you won't be able to see all the posts from external users on this server. You can (constructively) complain about it here if you'd like to see it fixed. In the meantime, click the user's profile picture to open their user page on their server, where you can view all their posts and even like/boost/reply to them (which this optional Firefox addon makes smoother). The same goes for replies to external posts; complain here, and for now click the timestamp to be taken to the source server's page.

Full rules

1. Bad Faith Participation and Civility

Remember that you are talking to another human. Always give the person you are talking to the benefit of the doubt. Avoid spouting identity-based slurs and being abusive, abrasive, unreasonably offensive, or vitriolic. If you feel like you are unable to keep a conversation civil and respectful then it is best to leave that discussion.

2. Privacy

We have a zero-tolerance rule towards doxxing, which includes publishing phone numbers, street addresses, names, pictures, credit card information or any other identifiable/confidential files. This also includes pressuring people into posting sensitive information. Any suspicious behavior will result in a permanent ban.

3. Disruptive Behavior

Do not try to derail any on-going conversation or discussion. Posting unrelated images, mass or rapid mentioning, not speaking English, unnecessary use of caps, advertisements, ASCII art, spoiling the plot of any medium or anything else that the Darkners deem inappropriate/disruptive will grant you a mute.

4. NSFW Content

Posting content which is traditionally called NSFW - short for Not Safe For Work such as Porn, Gore, sexually questionable images or similar content is not allowed. If you are unsure if your media is allowed please contact the Darkners.

5. Emotional / Self Harm Subjects

We empathize with the difficulty of emotional or mental health situations, yet a fandom discord is not a professional resource for these complex situations. For this reason we cannot allow discussions of suicide, self harm or other situations that would distress other users. If you need help or feel lost, try these resources. If you are unable to keep control, we may mute or remove you until you are ready to rejoin.

6. Fediverse Etiquette

When posting content that people may want to avoid viewing, add a content warning with the "CW" button. Commonly CW'd subjects include: spoilers, unsettling images (including AI-generated), politics (often written as e.g. "uspol" for US politics), depictions of bigotry/awfulness, as well as potential requests from your followers. When in doubt, CW it. You are also encouraged to add media descriptions for those with sensory disabilities (or slow connections).

Art credits