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"furlongs per pint" sounds like total nonsense but it's exactly the same as miles per gallon

so you can literally just substitute it in

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look at my plant sim you love my plant sim

image description: an artist's rendition of a plant sim from the sims 2, he is holding and looking at a small calico kitten. he has elongated ears.

#art #thesims2

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Cat Knight

#StableDiffusion #AI

Prompt: kneeling cat knight, portrait, finely detailed armor, intricate design, silver, silk, cinematic lighting, 4k

Parameters:scale7.50-k euler

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as a joke I asked dbrand to draw my fursona and put it with my screen protector and THERE HE IS MY SWEET PRECIOUS BOY

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Looks like a lot ofpeople are confused/annoyed by Mastodon and many other Fediverse platforms not backfilling old posts when an account is followed.

This complete lack of backfilling means that many new accounts or those with few followers may appear completely blank, even if they've posted lots of interesting stuff.

If you agree and think Mastodon should backfill at least some posts when people follow an account, please give this issue a thumbs up:


If you're not comfortable using github, let me know and I can try to post on your behalf.

#Mastodon #Fediverse #Backfilling

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You'd think that a protocol that is so universally standardized can actually be configured easily by all the main mailclients.

But they have no interest in improving the workflow for anything other then their own heavier protocols, like exchange in this case. Or in the case of Apple, their own mailservices.

People blame us (suppliers of regular mailboxes) for being hard to configure. But all autoconfig records get ignored, industry defaults get marked as "optional", it's all just so fucking frustrating...

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If you're starting a brand new account on a Fediverse server, it's not a good idea to post lots of content before you have followers.

The only people who can see your posts on the Fediverse are those on your server, those on other servers which have at least one person following you, or those who see your post shared.

If you post all your best content up front on a brand new account with no followers, no one outside your server will be able to see it. Even if they follow you later, the posts you made before that will not be visible to them, because Fedi platforms don't backfill old posts on accounts you follow.

It's much better to gradually add content as your follower numbers grow.

You only need one follower from a server in order for everyone on that server to see your post. Even if you only have a dozen followers, that's up to 12 other servers that can see what you post.

#Fediverse #Followers

(Sorry for repost, I phrased original post really badly!)

a medal of bravery to the authors of i write sins not tragedies for daring to rhyme each stanza with itself but spoken overexaggeratedly (yes it's still on my mind after years)

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You can find all of the follows I've ever recommended sorted by topic here:


You don't have to wait for me to randomly mention an interesting account, you can go and find what you want at the link above.

Other good places to find people to follow are Trunk (at communitywiki.org/trunk) and fediverse.info (at fediverse.info/explore/people). Both of these have a much wider range of topics as they feature general non-specialised accounts.

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Pharmacy sign with techno music 

"N'oubliez pas la crème solaire"

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Fluffcord is a gaming community for fans of Deltarune & Undertale, as well as other indie titles and games ✨